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PRS allows you to setup different categories to classify your products. Categories not only help you find and manage your products in the PRS database, but they also are used to grant access permission to your Integrators (the people/companies who manufacture or sell your customized design products). Categories can also be subcategories and should be defined by name and parent category (if one exists).

To define your Categories in PRS, click the Categories link for the Brand you are managing.
  1. Add New Category - The fields provided at the top of the screen allow you to add a new Category to your Designer Account. Define the name and the parent category (leave Parent field blank if this is a top level (Parent) category). Select the Add Category button to save.

  2. Modify Existing Category - The Existing Categories area allows you to modify the name of your Category and subcategories by editing the Category name(s) in the field(s) and clicking the Update Categories button.

  3. Delete Existing Category - The Existing Categories area allows you to delete a Category by clicking the checkbox at the end of the Category line and clicking the Update Categories button.